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- Brd ->UFO Debate Forum
- Numb ->125 of 133
- Sub ->Re: "Ducks & Saucers & Spheres"
- To ->MICHAEL GRAHAM (#107)
- From ->DON MASON (#145)
- Date ->09/14/88 05:31:08 PM
- Hey Mike, I didn`t say that I was overwhelmed, it just appeared that maybe
- you thought that you could overwhelm some of the people. I`m not shy , if I
- don`t know of a certain world it doesn`t bother me to look it up. At the same
- time I do know that some people do have complex`s about their make up and will
- do what they can to divert others away, to mask what they are lacking.
- Might I add that you do a good job on your word processor, ok!!!!!!!
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- Brd ->UFO Debate Forum
- Numb ->126 of 133
- Sub ->Re: "Ducks & Saucers & Spheres"
- To ->DON F ECKER (#17)
- From ->MICHAEL GRAHAM (#107)
- Date ->09/14/88 10:36:00 PM
- O, my Antonio, I do know of these
- That therefore only are reputed wise
- For saying nothing; when, I am very sure,
- If they should speak, would almost damn those ears
- Which, hearing them, would call their brothers fools.
- --Shakespeare, MERCHANT OF VENICE,I.i.95-99.
- It happened as the Autumn evening set cool foot into the
- settling dust of Summer. In reaching for a flower, Jacob was
- stung by a bee. His sobs soaked my dress and he shivered in my
- arms as the warmth of his finger made a puddle of the ice held
- against it. The sobs quieted, the shivering stopped as the
- evening folded around us but Jacob's childhood was gone, dashed
- off into the faded light of Summer's end.
- --Michael K. Graham, "A Flick of Feathered Scale [Ch 7, pg. 17]"
- Deception is assumed, when fanciful claims are made, because the
- burden of proof is upon those who make them. But there are those
- who shall always believe, cling with tenacity to the flickering
- light at Summer's end. Because they believe, they want others to
- believe, imputing the skeptic with heresy. Their cries languish,
- their visions evanesce. The flowering of faith withers in their
- passing, leaving the cold root of reason to sprout anew.
- 400 years ago, a little girl named Abigail Williams cried,
- "witch!" Doctors and lawyers, tailors and soldiers believed and
- were afraid. A mephitic reek of fear came to the town and before
- a breeze of reason could clear it, hundreds were dead, slain in
- the most inhumane ways imaginable.
- There seems unavailable a way to inculculate the lesson
- demonstrated by that and other dark ages of human history. A
- stochastic outbreak of like sightings and people fall their
- mental knees. They're a miasma, spreading disease in geometric
- progression from themselves, convincing others with stories of
- inimical aliens, breeding unwarranted fear.
- The Holocost is engraved in the terminated genealogical tree of
- thousands of families. It is burned into the earth by mass
- graves that are still being found. Hundreds of thousands of feet
- of film, not imbued with imaginative life by a belief that it
- must be 'hidden somewhere.' are available to anyone with the
- stomach to watch. They are clear and evident and come from a
- time that had little ability to alter their testimony, you can
- date the celluloid. There is no comparison.
- Within the scope of this argument, I suggest that hysteria is
- possible on the scale implied, over the area implied, in the time
- implied. There is always something going on. The rajneesh eats
- tonight as do you.B
- Brd ->UFO Debate Forum
- Numb ->127 of 133
- Sub ->Re: Evolving life
- To ->JUSTIN BOGGS (#128)
- From ->JIM SPEISER (#56)
- Date ->09/15/88 07:46:10 PM
- Justin:
- Really don't have time to get into this with you, but your figures don't
- tell the whole story. (Assuming their correct in the first place). Since
- the beginning of time, there may have been 10 to the 64 different per-
- mutations occuring, making the chances against such proteins NOT evolving
- approximately 10 to 1. I don't stand behind my figures, but I'd be willing
- to bet they are conservative.
- Its like saying that the chances against four people playing bridge being
- dealt hands that consisted of A-K in each suit. The odds against something
- like that occuring are something like a quadrillion to one -- ON ANY ONE
- HAND. But given all the bridge hands that have been played since the game
- was invented, its bound to occur some time -- as it once did, in champ-
- ionship play.
- Jim
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- Brd ->UFO Debate Forum
- Numb ->128 of 133
- Sub ->Re: "Ducks & Saucers & Spheres"
- To ->MICHAEL GRAHAM (#107)
- From ->DON F ECKER (#17)
- Date ->09/15/88 10:56:42 PM
- Words learned by rote a parrot may rehearse,
- But talking is not always to converse;
- Not more distinct from harmony divine,
- The constant creaking of a country sign.
- William Cowper
- Impossible is a word only to be found in
- the dictionary of fools.
- Napoleon
- Yes Michael, I know that you suggest that
- the events in the Hudson Valley may be
- hysteria. witnesses that are employed to
- guard nuclear power stations, police officers
- that guard the community, military personal that
- are responsible for the welfare of the nation,
- airline pilots, school teachers, scientists
- accountants, attorneys, reporters, all these
- people suffering mass hysteria over a 4 year
- period. How silly of me, now I wish I had
- studied psychology, talk about a ready made
- client group, makes my wallet tremble just to
- think about it. I could afford that 1400 LT,
- buy a new stereo, get that washer for my wife,
- take those flying lessons, get Michael a new
- updated Websters......................N81N
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- [B16 #128 of 133] ? for more cmds or Cmd [N]#n
- Brd ->UFO Debate Forum
- Numb ->129 of 133
- Sub ->UFOs and Straw Men
- To ->Michael Graham
- From ->JIM SPEISER (#56)
- Date ->09/16/88 01:26:58 AM
- Hellooooooooo Boise.....
- Mr. Graham, I've been reading with great interest your posts in the UFO
- debate section here. You seem to be a master debater -- verbally
- speaking.
- Yet for all your elocutionary aplomb, you seem to be missing a few vital
- points. For example, you state that the "appearance of authenticity is
- insufficient." Insufficient for what? For proof? Certainly. To qualify
- as bearing discussion and inquiry? Hardly. Why do you and others insist
- on painting ufology into the corner of requiring absolute, undeniable
- proof before it can be taken seriously? Surely no one here is claiming
- to have proof that "UFOs are aliens and the government knows it." All we
- are saying is that, A) Anomalous data exists in the form of various
- reports which exhibit curious consistency, B) said data SUGGESTS
- intelligent control and/or government knowledge of the extraordinary
- nature of the phenomenon, C) insufficient prosaic explanations have been
- advanced to bring the data in line with the current scientific paradigm,
- D) the ET Hypothesis is sufficiently wondrous and substantial in its
- potential benefits to merit serious consideration; E) insufficient
- theoretical arguments have been advanced against said hypothesis. That's
- it. We do NOT say, "AND THEREFORE ITS ALIENS," as you repeatedly accuse Phil
- Imbrogno (and by extension, us) of saying. We do say, "AND THEREFORE,
- None of this is to be construed as an entreatise to cease your skeptical
- input. On the contrary, ParaNet will not survive without such input, for
- that is our raison d'etre. But we do ask that such input be offered in
- an even-handed manner, that is, without the use of straw-man arguments
- such as your "and therefore its aliens," or your implication that we are
- claiming to have proved our case. Instead of bemoaning the proof we
- don't have, try addressing the data we do.
- Jim Speiser
- Alpha
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- Brd ->UFO Debate Forum
- Numb ->130 of 133
- Sub ->Re: UFOs and Straw Men
- To ->JIM SPEISER (#56)
- From ->MICHAEL GRAHAM (#107)
- Date ->09/16/88 09:41:43 PM
- Mr. Speiser,
- The comments made, do not necessarily reflect my own beliefs at
- all. Don made a very good point in that some of the cases
- contain so much circumstantial evidence and corroborating
- testimony, were they a court case they might positively sway the
- jury; I shall ever and always take the opposite side, for without
- it there is, of course, no debate.
- But....
- The issue itself is of such an odd nature, such a potentially
- threatening one, so fantastic and unbelievable that the
- paracletes of UFO's must dig themselves out of a hole before they
- may start at the origin of the argument. Thus, rather than sit
- idle at the keyboard, watching the phosphor float by, I choose to
- gain knowledge by taking the opposite side of an argument with a
- gentleman I have really come to like.
- And....
- You will notice that I have succeeded. Although Don has a
- tendency towards tautology, and disdains response to difficult
- issues, resting instead on old, reliable arguments that he has
- heard from somewhere else, although he wont entertain certain
- ideas at all, he has given me grist for my mill. Maybe I've done
- the same for him.
- Therefore....
- I shall continue to address the data in the way that I feel has
- already shown itself to work in this context, mocking when I
- receive sneers, comforting when I sense irritation, discussing
- facts when I see facts, and so on. My purpose is not to
- discourage or demoralize, not even to laugh [although some of
- Don's quote-throwing has floored me!] but to continue the debate.
- By the way....
- In 1978, I had an encounter of my own, passing over the La Posa
- plain by car. The road I was on was posted the full length with
- signs instructing vehicles to remain on it. On either side were
- military testing sights. I don't suggest extraterrestrial origin
- either, but I've seen what kind of G's a human may take and yet
- survive; this wasn't within the parameters. So that when I
- suggest various explanations, I must include within the scope of
- the argument [remember the argument *is* the field of play,
- nothing from inside holds relevance outside.] myself.
- However....
- My objection to Night Siege remains, and if you are an extension,
- so be it. The damn thin' is packaged like a cheap whore, wrapped
- in sensationalism and depending on the ready preconceptions of
- The Hudson Valley UFO [in the same blown lettering as Night
- Siege] Sightings. On the back: Five thousand responsible people
- claim to have seen SOMETHING...WHAT IS GOING ON???? Of course,
- the usual filler hype included between the headlines. This is
- the sort of packaging that discredits the book even before it is
- picked up. Try a fanciful approach, like COMMUNION, and more of
- the people you feel should be reached shall be. All it takes is
- a little sub title, 'based on a true story,' and a list of
- 'additional reading' in the back.
- Brd ->UFO Debate Forum
- Numb ->131 of 133
- Sub ->Re: UFOs and Straw Men
- To ->JIM SPEISER (#56)
- From ->MICHAEL GRAHAM (#107)
- Date ->09/16/88 09:43:39 PM
- J.S. --
- "All we are saying is that, A) Anomalous data exists in the form
- of various reports which exhibit curious consistency, B) said
- data SUGGESTS intelligent control and/or government knowledge of
- the extraordinary nature of the phenomenon, C) insufficient
- prosaic explanations have been advanced to bring the data in line
- with the current scientific paradigm, D) the ET Hypothesis is
- sufficiently wondrous and substantial in its potential benefits
- to merit serious consideration; E) insufficient theoretical
- arguments have been advanced against said hypothesis. That's it."
- MG XII --
- A. TRUE] Yes the data exists, such that some real event is
- acting as anlage. Whether the event is singular of plural is
- questionable, given other instances of a like profile which
- resolved themselves into a single incident after close
- examination, with more than verbal verification, or were observed
- to do so years later through examination of independent writings.
- B. FALSE] Intelligent control has been ascribed by humans to
- confusing processes [weather, volcanos, electricity and
- magnetism] for as long as that little section of their brain has
- been developed. They also as a rule give human personalities to
- inanimate objects, and put their own thoughts into the heads of
- animals. The reason it is taken as false is because it is not at
- all clear whether the object is the source of the conclusion or
- the conclusion the source of the object. The observational data
- have no relevance to the assumption of governmental knowledge.
- C. FALSE] Scientific explanation has been advanced on all the
- empirical data presented. No scientific explanation beyond
- hypothesis may be advanced upon witness testimony, as witness
- testimony is notoriously unreliable, and unduplicable. Give
- science a piece of metal to analyze, or a language to decipher or
- even recorded magnetic data. They'll change their tune.
- D. FALSE] The ET Hypothesis bases itself first on [B.] which is
- false. It is, in fact, a wonderful idea. The potential benefit
- from ET civilizations is enormous. Equally enormous are the
- potential dangers, even if EBE's mean well. One major
- technological boon might plunge the society into chaos. The
- sociological implications are such that we would be more likely
- to be absorbed into their society, than they into ours. Remember
- the American Indian.
- E. FALSE] That the explanations haven't sat well with the
- UFOoligists is true, but they're at least as valid as the counter
- hypotheses, and based on about as much evidence.K
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- Brd ->UFO Debate Forum
- Numb ->132 of 133
- Sub ->Re: "Ducks & Saucers & Spheres"
- To ->DON F ECKER (#17)
- From ->MICHAEL GRAHAM (#107)
- Date ->09/16/88 09:46:34 PM
- What ardently I wished, I long believed,
- And, disappointed still, was still deceived.
- By expectation everyday beguiled,
- Dupe of to-morrow even from a child.
- --Cowper
- On the receipt of my mother's
- Picture, lines 38-41.
- Impossible is a word to be found only in the dictionary
- of Fools.
- -- Napoleon Bonaparte
- Impossible that it could be a form of hysteria? Don, I'm
- disappointed in you. Even after I gave you such a florid
- example, to receive this scathing objurgation is more than a
- gentleman may bear. Tsk, Tsk, then...I'LL weaken the Salem
- solution for you: You touched upon the merest edge of an idea
- when you mentioned 'religious fanatics....[with] no sense of
- humor.' Salem and outlying settlements were essentially
- theocracies. Everywhere people turned, every day, they were
- being told of demons and witches dancing in the forest with the
- Black Man. Forests were a source of terrible danger to the
- colonists, and much evil was imagined in their shadowed depths.
- Darkness which surrounded the colony on almost every side. There
- was no childhood for the children, they were expected to behave
- as adults. There was no enjoyment for the adults, beyond what
- they could find between the pages of the Bible, as other books
- were outside the bible and therefore evil, while pictures and
- music that did not praise the Lord, thereby blasphemed. Salem
- was a dry, pressured field of straw, waiting to go up. If not
- the witch hunts, then something else would have set the field
- alight. This is hardly the case for the scattered incidents of
- Night Siege.
- Feel better? O.K., now I'll turn about and reply to that
- weakening in the following example: Some years ago, in a textile
- factory a woman was startled by a June Bug. Coincidentally, a
- rash appeared, the cause of which latter turned out to be at the
- woman's dwelling. But the rash really broke through the
- afternoon after the woman had fainted, and she became afraid and
- her body reacted to the stress, making her ill. Word got around
- of the 'deadly june bugs,' and soon people were developing rashes
- that had no origin other than their own minds, yet were evident
- on their arms, faces, legs and back after an encounter with one
- of the bugs. These were rational people [no pun intended], yet
- the rashes were quite real, caused entirely by their own
- imagination. The incident lasted a total of seven months, after
- which the only solution was to spray the place and rid it of the
- harmless beetles.
- Don, I've hypnotized people and, out of mere curiosity, told them
- that a pencil they were holding was becoming red-hot, yet that
- they would not find themselves able to let go. Two of the five
- I've done this to developed water blisters, just as if they'd
- held a real hot piece of metal between thumb and forefinger.
- My point is that senses are unreliable, no matter how many
- different sets corroborate witnessed events. Your body is a
- mechanism that needs only the proper fiddling of knobs to elicit
- any response desired, within its capability. Give me an
- electrode, I'll let you relive a portion of your childhood. Give
- me another, I'll make you afraid of your own shadow. Give me
- your mind, and I shall make your world go away. K
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- [B16 #132 of 133] ? for more cmds or Cmd [N]#n
- Brd ->UFO Debate Forum
- Numb ->133 of 133
- Sub ->Re: "Ducks & Saucers & Spheres"
- To ->MICHAEL GRAHAM (#107)
- From ->DON F ECKER (#17)
- Date ->09/16/88 11:43:38 PM
- "Friendship's the privilege
- Of private men, for wretched greatness knows
- No blessing so substantial."
- Tate
- "Man is the only creature endowed with
- the power of laughter; is he not the only
- one that deserves to be laughed at?"
- Greville
- Michael, I must say I am very DISAPPOINTED in your
- last response. I thought for sure, you would have
- caught me with tongue firmly in cheek concerning
- Salem. The gibe about Salems humor to be specific.
- I didn't miss the point about Salem, I merely
- dismissed it. Several messages ago, you gave yourself
- away, when you mentioned your knowledge concerning the
- incident in Roswell.
- I too have greatly enjoyed this debate, However;
- Tsk Tsk, I take you to task concerning your remark
- to J. Speiser concerning my reluctance to debate
- difficult issues. Not true Mon Ami. (Did I get that
- right?) Imagine accusing ME of practicing Tautology!
- And, besides, if the OLD RELIABLE ARGUMENTS work,
- well, what could I possibly say?
- Now, what ideas do you accuse me of NOT entertaining?
- Michael, I consider myself to be one of the MOST
- open minded people I know, and if anyone disagrees, well
- then, damnit, let's burn his damn hut down!!!!!!! OOOOPS,
- sorry, got carried away. Oh, yes, I almost forgot.
- Forget it if you think you are going to get close to me
- with an electrode, and if I am not mistaken, my ex. stated
- on several occasions that I had no mind! Of course, I
- debated that with her, and after all, she did sign the
- house over to me with no money changing hands. ( And to
- think she accused me of being a spendthrift.)
- But, to get back to the debate, I submit to you,
- Michael, there is a large difference between a group
- of people imagining a rash from a beetle, and an object
- described by thousands as being several hundred feet in
- length. You mentioned a factory town, which I must then
- assume that the educational level must have been low,
- possibly ridden with superstition, and easily influenced.
- Quite a difference from college graduates holding responsible
- positions, school teachers, police, military officers, and
- the like. I further submit that quite simply, IT WON"T
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- [B16 #133 of 133] ? for more cmds or Cmd [N]#demons and witches dancing in the forest with the
- Black Man. Forests were a source of terrible danger to the
- colonists, and much evil was imagined in their shadowed depths.
- Darkness which surrounded the colony on almost every side. There
- was no childhood for the children, they were expected to behave
- as adults. There was no enjoyment for the adults, beyond what
- they could find between the pages of the Bible, as other books
- were outside the bible and therefore evil, while pictures and
- music that did not praise the Lord, thereby blasphemed. Salem
- was a dry, pressured field of straw, waiting to go up. If not
- the witch hunts, then something else would have set the field
- alight. This is hardly the case for the scattered incidents of
- Night Siege.
- Feel better? O.K., now I'll turn about and reply to that
- weakening in the following example: Some years ago, in a textile
- factory a woman was startled by a June Bug. Coincidentall